Sunnsetter is the recording project of Andrew Mcleod, a multi-instrumentalist and producer living in the rural area of norfolk county, ON. Sunnsetter falls under a broader banner of genre and style. Tracks from album to album vary between ambient, singer-songwriter, shoegaze, emo, folk, drone, alternative, post-punk, noise and others. Finding it limiting to stick to specific genres andrew often instead sticks to related themes throughout the body of work. One of the main themes dealt with in albums like worrybody (2018), Attic son (2017) surrounds the heavy subject matter of personal mental illness, alienation and even suicide ideation. As Andrew has spent much of his life dealing with the effects of Bi-polar disorder and other related mental health issues. While these themes are prominent in his artistic work, so too is the need to understand them, change these behaviours and learn how to live with them and grow from that experience. To say that the music of sunnsetter is sad would be a misinterpretation as much of the lyrical content in the music is centered around a desire to change these negative patterns of thought and spend more time cherishing life and the people he is surrounded by as could be evidenced by the most recent sunnsetter release “The Love you withhold is the pain You carry” (2020) Andrew has a background as a score composer, and has tried to use that knowledge to convey scenes, similar to how one would in a film score, but blended into free-versed singer-songwriter and oft- emotional weighted lyrical “pop” music.