A triple vinyl LP featuring 33 songs by 33 Ontario artists

Out of over 500 submissions, our curators selected 33 original songs from 33 incredible Ontario artists.  Each artist received $999 for their song, and all additional proceeds will be donated to the Unison Fund so we can help as many artists as possible…

Help us ensure 33.3 becomes the biggest selling vinyl record in Canada for 2023 🙂

3 3 dot 3 Support Artists Buy Records Love Music


When the music industry shut down in March 2020 due to COVID-19, it was devastating for musicians and the teams around them. 

In an effort to support musicians, we have created a Triple-Vinyl deluxe compilation featuring Ontario Artists.

33.3 has already paid each of the selected working artists $999 for a one-time, non-exclusive license of their song to use in the compilation. Our net proceeds from sales of the album will flow back to music support charity, Unison Fund

Spanning all genres, the songs on 33.3 have been curated by a diverse selection of writers, journalists, poets, artists, and many more. Curators will also contribute to the liner notes and jacket art. 

Mastered, pressed and printed in Canada, every piece of the chain is 100% Canadian made…even the world class record presses were manufactured in Ontario! 

Tell all of the music fans in your life to buy an album now!…

…They also make great gifts for friends, family, colleagues and clients.


33.3 Album – Ontario

For musicians, the arrival of COVID-19 came as a second cataclysm, the first being music-streaming services’ triumph 5 years ago over other ways of delivering our songs. Within a year or two, the 40% of our income that once came from radio royalties and music sales had vanished, as sites such as Spotify exploded in popularity. These sites pay us an abysmally low royalty rate for our music. My band, “Stars”, had more than 9 million streams on Spotify last year. Our royalties from that service amounted to less than $35,000. And we split that 6  ways. Minus management fees. Minus taxes. For 9 million streams of our music. So we had grown accustomed to the sky falling.

Torquil Campbell | Singer & Songwriter


Contact Us

General Inquiries: info@33dot3.ca


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